3D Chirp is a surface-towed sub-bottom profiler capable of recording seismic data with decimetric horizontal and centimetric vertical resolution.
Read more: SpecificationJointly developed by the University of Southampton and Kongsberg GeoAcoustics, the 3D Chirp is a second-generation technology combining high-precision navigation and data acquisition with a tailored Chirp source waveform. Initial funding was provided by GeoAcoustics Ltd, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), and English Heritage in collaboration with the Engineering Design and Manufacture Centre at the University of Southampton.
Read more: BackgroundWith bespoke workflows and in-house processing software, the 3D Chirp affords true 3D imaging at very high resolution, a perfect base for many shallow-water engineering, archaeology, military, structural geological and geohazard projects.
Read more: ApplicationsDriven by both academic and commercial partners the 3D Chirp system continues to evolve for new applications with bespoke processing and cutting-edge, high-performance navigation.
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